Wednesday, August 13, 2008
instruction below. well i'm not really good at "paint"

aims of the game:

1. helps to trust our friends.

2. helps to build our confidence.

3. to use different strategies on anything that being planned. (if you get what i mean)

4. to build stamina mentally and physically.

want to play?

what you may need:

1. 12 players. 6 in each group.

2. 6 sarongs. 2 persons each sarong.

3. 15-20 water balloons.

how to play? (plan above)

1. arrange yourselves in two opposite groups.

2. each group is divided into 3 sub-groups. each sub-group shoud have one sarong.

3. each group stands on about 10 ft facing each other.

4. each sub-group stands not far behind others (in the group)

5. starts with the first group throwing the water balloon using the sarong.

6. the opposite group or their sub-groups should catch the water balloon using the sarong provided.

7. then the opposite group throw back the water balloon to the first group.

8. if any group cannot catch the water balloon, their opposite group gets one point.

9. every sub-group should play this one by another.

fire!!! watch out!! arghhh... so difficult at the first time. but who won? not my team. hehe

hayaa... catch and laugh!!

posted by amal kamit at 8:45 PM | 0 comments
another group's discussion."senyuman itu adalah suatu sedekah yang tak ternilai." so smile everyday and cheer up all.

Aden, what was she looking at?? discussion from the other group.

Listening to our Kak Suriani (hopefully the spelling is correct) explaining our strategy plan.. woah... we got the first place though.. look at the other girls and look at me.(red tudong who was too busy with my phone replying my sister's sms)

aims of this activity:
1. to improve our communication skills among each others.
2. helps us to understand others by trusting people.
3. helps to understand the difficulties of the people with special needs.
4. to test our emotional and physical abilities.


posted by amal kamit at 7:16 AM | 0 comments
aren't we so friendly.. me and rozainah.. hehe (ICE BREAKING)

ICE BREAKING!!! urghh this was so demanding! so stressing! hehe. but Alhamdullilah i did a good shot. so did my fellow friends


posted by amal kamit at 6:46 AM | 0 comments
people thought that satu ummah programme has ended. the answer is NO!

we still do our activities but not this two weeks due to our mock exam.

*********don't believe me?

ask my friends and teachers (who of course are related to Satu Ummah)

by amal (setiausaha 1)


posted by amal kamit at 4:34 AM | 0 comments